Thursday, June 9


Here is a photo I took of the brooklyn bridge with mi madre a few weekends ago. Below is a sketch she did of it, which she will do from time to time.

Thought it was kinda cool.

brooklyn bridge photo

brooklyn bridge drawing

I actually just sold my second picture which was to a friend but still, I'm excited about it. The PHOTO is a picture of a bicycle I took in Amsterdam a few years ago. The version I gave him is slightly cropped on the left side and converted into black and white. After matting and framing it I am quite pleased with the way it came out.


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Emily Farris said...

Am I the only one who noticed that the Verizon sign was Photoshopped out of the picture? Well, I didn't notice so much as Daniel told me, but doesn't it look nicer that way?

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love when your mom does those paintings too. She usually draws in the nude while I just sit there naked, also in bed.

-Frank from Danbury

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Roonie said...

Gorgeous. Makes me want to like NYC.


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