This weekend wasn't the best one ever. Early Saturday I somehow slammed my foot underneath my couch while running to answer the delivery man at my door. I thought I just jammed it really bad. It hurt but I looked at it and it seemed fine. After paying for my lunch I shut my door and looked down, only to see a pool of dark red blood forming underneath my foot on my hardwood floors.

Evidence exhibit A: Blood on my new shag rug. FUCCCCCCCCCCK!
After some typical Daniel hypochondriacitic behavior (I think I just made up my own variation on that word) I ran around my apartment getting blood everywhere and then tried to clean it the best I could in my bathtub. I ended up making the decision to go to the Emergency room. My father who is a surgeon, told me over the phone I probably didn't need to go...But after following his instructions of soaking it in hydrogen peroxide and cleaning it well, it started to bleed badly again.

Thank you Mr. Nurse guy for taking care of my foot.
The nurse unwrapped my foot and said, "Now what would possess you to put cotton balls on that open wound?" I think I answered, "I'd have to say because I'm an idiot?" But I had put triple antibacterial ointment first and then the cotton balls and then wrapped it up.
A doc then came in the room and stitched me up. I asked if I could take a picture of him but he said not unless I wanted to be sued. I think he was kidding.
Before he went to work on me, I called my father again and made sure I should go through with it. My dad was just like "Yeah dude just listen to what he's telling you because he's right there looking at it and I'm just on the phone." Duhh makes sense right?

Evidence Exhibit B: Me not happy picture. Me gunna get stitches and walk funny for a few weeks.
Didn't really hurt much after he jammed a needle in my foot about 5 times to numb the area and avoid any pain. But the thing is, that hurt. I asked him to squirt some of the stuff in the needle on my tongue. He said no.
Afterwards I limped to an Eckerds drugstore on Atlantic Ave which didn't have the antibiotics the doc prescribed me. Oh and I had to limp up a big flight of stairs to their pharmacy to be told that. I limped back down and went to the CVS on Court street which thankfully had them.
Now I'm home all bandaged up and bored because I want to go out and take cool pictures but I really can't walk too well at this moment. But hey this pic is kinda cool:

Oh and the rug is ok because I know that's what you were all worried about. It's a sweet 8x11 shag I just got so I understand your concern. I let the blood dry and then just snipped out the spots with scissors. Gotta love the shag.
Ouch. That picture is kind of cool. And painful. Ouch. Ouch! Ooooouch!
dude why does your foot look wet?
Foot looks wet because I took that pic after washing it this morning and before putting new bandages on. Thanks for the inquiry!
My dog did the same thing today when he got too excited to run up the stairs. He jammed his paw into the wall just before the stairs. Thankfully, he was able to walk it off. Sorry about the foot. Hope it doesn't feel as bad as it looks.
Thanks for that foot pic. How did you know I had a foot fetish?
man oh man. So sorry, that sucks. What did you actually hurt it on? And also what kind of food did you order?
That is why you wear houseslippers, so you don't have to incur $50 ER co-pays. Plus, duh... you have friends in the neighborhood now, you could have called us if you were going to walk to Atlantic... we would have taken the walk with ya! ; )
gah! you are a brave man. stitches scare me. hope your little piggy is soon going "wee wee wee" all the way home...
xoxo, jared
That is a terrible weekend indeed. Poor Mr. Random.
All of the well-wishers are forgetting one thing... you hurt your foot answering the delivery man at your door... maybe one shouldn't get so excited by food deliveries and you would be outside taking cool pictures...
the compassionate one
But it was a bacon egg and cheese!! mmmmmmm mmmmmm Actually I was running because he had been buzzing downstairs for awhile and I didn't want to piss him off and have him spit in my sandwich while walking up the stairs.
I'm with The Compassionate One -- all your injuries involve retrieval of some food or another. Ahhhhhhh interesting. Funny story, great pics!
arrrgghhh, i've seen school girls skin thier knees worse than that and not make as much of a fuss. NOW what you should have done is squirted some crazy glue in that wee little cut, and wrapped the toe up in some duct tape. When the duct tape falls off the toe is healed. Wuss.
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