Tuesday, September 6



I'm like a young Al Gore as you can see from a conversation I had with a friend online. I had just spoken with her a few times and not too many more times after this conversation. I wonder why? Find out below! (her screename has been changed)

ladyfriend: do people still use their AOL accounts?
Monty Burns 101: i dont use aol
ladyfriend: do you have one/had one?
Monty Burns 101: i did like 10 years ago
Monty Burns 101: yeah back in the day when u paid by the hour
Monty Burns 101: it was insane
ladyfriend: but don't you keep that e-mail for life?
Monty Burns 101: no
Monty Burns 101: not if u cancel your account
Monty Burns 101: I just have IM
ladyfriend: like first.last@aol
Monty Burns 101: that’s for life
ladyfriend: the old IM ball and chain, eh?
Monty Burns 101: ha
Monty Burns 101: i think my old email was happydude@aol.com
Monty Burns 101: or something like that
Monty Burns 101: back in da day
ladyfriend: very original
ladyfriend: did you smoke wees a loy back then?
ladyfriend: that's a stoner handle
Monty Burns 101: wees a loy?
Monty Burns 101: oh
Monty Burns 101: no
Monty Burns 101: never smoked pot till after college actually
ladyfriend: get out!
Monty Burns 101: I used to work at this site called hecklers online
Monty Burns 101: when I was like 18-19 years old.
Monty Burns 101: I ran a few messages boards
Monty Burns 101: and hosted a live chat on occasion. All comedy type stuff.
Monty Burns 101: this is funny story actually one I don’t know if I’ve told anyone
Monty Burns 101: just cause I forgot
Monty Burns 101: u listening
Monty Burns 101: hahaha
Monty Burns 101: cant believe I’m telling u this
ladyfriend: yes, go on please!
Monty Burns 101: so I got free aol, free internet access
Monty Burns 101: because I worked for them
Monty Burns 101: and back then this Hecklers Online site was sponsored by aol
Monty Burns 101: which was great
Monty Burns 101: no pay..but I was spending a lot of money using the internet anyway so free internet access what kinda like getting paid
Monty Burns 101: anyway not related to the Hecklers Online thing, but in other chat rooms there were people who would email nudie pictures
Monty Burns 101: like the start of porn
Monty Burns 101: online
ladyfriend: OOOOOOOH!
Monty Burns 101: and obviously I was like yeah I’m in!
Monty Burns 101: u would go into a chat room
Monty Burns 101: and people would send u like pictures from playboy or whatever they had on their computer
Monty Burns 101: and vice versa
Monty Burns 101: someone reported me
Monty Burns 101: and I lost my account with aol
Monty Burns 101: :-(
ladyfriend: classy
Monty Burns 101: u know me
Monty Burns 101: well really you dont
Monty Burns 101: but now you do
Monty Burns 101: :-D
ladyfriend: ha
Monty Burns 101: who would have thought that it would have become like one of the main uses of the internet?
Monty Burns 101: nudie stuff
Monty Burns 101: hee hee
Monty Burns 101: I was an inavetor u could say
Monty Burns 101: spelling on that one was bad
Monty Burns 101: I was an american hero in a way
Monty Burns 101: right?
ladyfriend: no, you were a perv
Monty Burns 101: oh
Monty Burns 101: gotcha
Monty Burns 101: 8-)
ladyfriend: well, thomas jefferson slept with his slave mistresses, that makes him a perv AND an inventor
ladyfriend: so I'll give it to you anywa


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know TJ's great great great grandson, i don't this being a perv runs in the family. SO don't worry Mr. Random, your kids should end up OK.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Big Tom said...

where have you been all my life, we need to get a drink and chill.
Um , I'm also offended that you have not yet linked to me!


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